Friday, February 29, 2008

The Promise of Spring

Predicted Temperature, Wind chill, Dew point (all in degrees Fahrenheit)
Image credit: NOAA's National Weather Service

I hope I can get out of bed before it becomes windier than windy, but check out this gorgeous report!!! And we really only have one day to enjoy it- since it's supposed to snow that night/Sunday. But just the promise of Spring has me Stoked, but not like a number for all you particle scientists. ;)

I'm touted here as the weird one that it's never hot enough for, which isn't true. What is true is that I don't relish anything below 50degF. That is no lie.

Celebrate with me tomorrow. Toss those skis aside and take out the bike! It misses you after all, and the snow will be there waiting for the next day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a nice day, I'd like to be there for a ride, but alas I will be unable to enjoy the weather with you.