Thursday, February 07, 2008

Flower or Flowers are all Good with Me

Flowers. Flowers as gifts. Flowers that smell. Flowers that are vibrant. 1 or a dozen it's all good.

When you're given a flower something instantly happens. Others notice too. Definitely don't carry them around if you don't want to be noticed. I think it's impossible to carry even one red rose and not have it catch everyone's eye, men, women, children, ok, I really don't have any data on the children, but I'm betting they look too.

The question is, "Does it catch our eye as it's a part of nature, hence, our immediately being drawn to it?", or is it more of a social question, "That's a nice flower. I wonder how (s)he got it? (S)He must be appreciated."

I do not pretend to know the answer. I just know that days later it still brings joy, just looking at it.

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