Monday, December 19, 2005


I know what you're thinking. Why am I looking at a Christmas Dinner Plate? Well, that's because Friday was the IthacaHouse Christmas dinner and gift exchange. I suppose this disproves the starving grad student image, but can we help it if we can cook? From bottom center in clockwise fashion: candied-pecan yams (me), wild rice (Pete), zested whole cranberries (me), vegan spinach with tofu and phyllo dough with some special name I forget (Sara), roll (Sean), ham (Sean and the King), green bean cassarole (Sean?). Sorry there's no dessert picture, but we had chocolate souffle by Nicole and cherry pie by Katie. All in all, it was a sumptuous meal.

Then we had a little White Elephant Exchange, but we won't let those stories escape the inner circle. Let's just say we had PlayStations to Lyonel Ritchie records. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Don't forget we also played a rousing game of UNO Attack! Who was it that won that game? I can't seem to remember...

aikenac said...

Yes yes. Pete won UNO. However, I ask, who won in your own house? :)