Why no, I believe this wonderful concoction is one for which we can thank the Native Americans. Now, one place I read it was from was Central America, but if I'm remembering correctly, which I'll put at ~70% probability, I believe I experienced this for the first time in Ecuador. Also, my first taste of Quinoa, which I highly recommend, and also in soups! However, I was too lazy, hence no quinoa today, but I did throw some popcorn in my sweet potato soup, and found it to be much more delectable than the box's recommendation of rice, which I know as I tried that the day before.
While, yes, it might sound weird, I liken it to the well-known tradition of crackers in soup, and in summary, the popcorn is better. Trust me on this, at least enough to try it that is! It imparts just a hint of an extra flavor (nutty almost), kind of like the icing on the proverbial cake soup. That is, unless, you're one of those icing addicts. And with that I will close, amused that my old (F.O.O.D) theme has crept it's way back in. :)
Cheers! ... and go throw some popcorn in that soup.
mmm...popcorn. do you butter and salt first before the soup?
Interestingly, there is no need to. I had trouble remembering for sure though, so I had the salt and butter nearby, but it's really not needed. It tastes great without it, and I don't think it's traditionally seasoned as it tasted just as I remembered it. The flavor of it in the soup is much stronger than when it's eaten alone. Thanks for the comment. :)
your new blog looks fun! i love it when i randomly check peoples' blogs or websites and they've been totally revamped! i have now successfully procrastinated my gfd midterm for longer than i intended to. yes!
keep posting. F.O.O.D. was being neglected :)
That's awesome - I'm glad your procrastination found it's way to my site. I feel so privileged. I hope you aced your midterm!!
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