Do you like soccer? Well
, even if you don't, I can bet you would have had fun at the gathering at my place. I will start in the top left-hand corner. We have honeydew, olives, prosciutto-wrapped honeydew, genoa salami rolls, three types of crackers, bread, and the cheeses: irish aged cheddar, herb-encrusted brie, aged gouda, and a very nice blue cheese wrapped in sage leaves. We also had italian sparkling wine, champagne, chianti, cabernet, and sauvignon blanc. Okay, there were a lot of people! Sorry to Landis, we didn't have this much of a celebration for the final stage of the tour. We did have mimosas and some cheese and crackers- but 6 am is a little early for anything too exciting. Check out Pete's blog for our tasty dinner at the baseball game from last night. See, we're versatile.