Just some little travel notes: Lufthansa claims "There's no better way to fly.", and you know what? They're right! So Pete and I got to sit right behind business class so we had way more leg room that I could ever use, 2 in-flight movies, unlimited free drinks including a pre-dinner apertif, wine with my sumptuous pasta, tiramisu for dessert, chocolate toblerone bars before bed, OJ, coffee, and eggs for breakfast. Seriously, I have finally had a second flight where I was like- this is what flying should be like!! Even our one hour "puddle jumper" from Frankfurt to Zurich had chocolate/prailine bars and drinks. Oh ya, I totally forgot. I was impressed with Lufthansa before we even boarded the first plane-- they give you free magazines as you're boarding. Seriously now, why can't American owned airlines try to be even half this good to it's customers?
OK, so with my title, I guess I'd better at least mention something about Switzerland. I don't really know where to start as there's a lot to take in for just a day. Really though, even the bathrooms are impressive. Let's see- toilet seats clean themselves, public transportation is not only reliable but also nice, the cheese is so awesome I want to just have cheese and chocolate meals, and croissants are equally tasty. I suppose my only minus is a personal one, in that I am having serious difficulties with the German. It's true, a lot of people speak English, but I feel badly in having to make them do so. I guess the hardest part is actually ordering food, but I suppose I will get better as I've really only been here for less than a day. This is also my explanation as to why I don't have any photos posted yet. I promise, soon.